Learn what B2B buyers care about, who they must convince, words they use, objections they face, & questions they must answer to make a purchase … Get Relevant...

A year ago, I wrote an article What Happens When B2B Buyers Start Using ChatGPT? That ship has sailed. The 2024 State of Business Buying report from … Continue Reading…
Selling complex B2B solutions is a tough gig given current market conditions. SBI research with CEOs finds 44% say buyer factors are creating … Continue Reading…
I’ve always believed you need to engage B2B buyers from start to finish. This means building brand and moving into demand. Brand and demand belong in … Continue Reading…
Learn what B2B buyers care about, who they must convince, words they use, objections they face, & questions they must answer to make a purchase … Get Relevant...
Create relevant messaging and storylines across the Continuum to deliver compelling buyer-driven experiences that get you on the Day 1 list. Buyer … Gain Momentum...
Share bold, fresh ideas that engage target buyers, arouse curiosity, ignite conversations, and strengthen brand awareness, credibility, and trust. What … Grow Brand Strength...
Marketing Interactions, Inc. works with B2B clients to create buyer personas and digital marketing strategies for complex sales that are compelling, highly leveraged and, most importantly, designed to engage prospects across the entirety of the buying process – what Ardath Albee, CEO, calls The Continuum Experience.