Last month, I attended the Break Sh!t event hosted by Terminus. It was a fun format and the short sessions from standouts including Andrew Davis, Katie Martell, Oli Gardner, Carla Johnson, Sangram Vajre, and more, were compelling. I could say a … [Read more...]
Never Assume B2B Buyers Know How to Buy
One of the assumptions that marketers and sales reps make when people show interest in your website, content, or booth at a virtual summit or trade show is that they’re buyers. There’s nothing inherently wrong in this with the exception that the … [Read more...]
Is Your B2B Content Too BIG?
When I talk with clients about how to build a storyline across the entirety of the buying process, they often express hesitation… What will we write about that will be interesting over 6-month span (or longer)? How will we prove value when … [Read more...]
How Many B2B Buyer Personas Do You Need?
One of the first things potential clients say to me is something along the lines of how many buyer personas they think they need to create. I’ve heard everything from one to fifty-two. The average is three to five B2B buyer personas. But even … [Read more...]
Inclusive Relevance: Your Content’s Job Description
A funny thing happened with the growth of information availability. Once B2B buyers figured out they could access whatever information they needed to understand a new subject, answer a question, or evaluate a product they no longer needed to talk to … [Read more...]