Last month, I attended the Break Sh!t event hosted by Terminus. It was a fun format and the short sessions from standouts including Andrew Davis, Katie Martell, Oli Gardner, Carla Johnson, Sangram Vajre, and more, were compelling. I could say a … [Read more...]
Put B2B Content in Context Across the Customer Lifecycle
Content marketing has been an ongoing practice for B2B marketers for more than a decade. Marketers are spending a boatload of money, time and effort producing and distributing content to their audiences. But for many buyers, the B2B content they … [Read more...]
Is Your B2B Content Too BIG?
When I talk with clients about how to build a storyline across the entirety of the buying process, they often express hesitation… What will we write about that will be interesting over 6-month span (or longer)? How will we prove value when … [Read more...]
Buyer Context is the Key to Engagement
What do your B2B buyers’ see? Until you can see what they see, you cannot create the conditions for change. But once you understand buyer context, you can solve a problem in perspective that they didn’t recognize they have. Why does this … [Read more...]
Content-Driven Conversations: The Future of B2B Engagement
Marketers say one of their biggest challenges is creating content that engages and compels their buyers. The future will not only depend on engagement, but on continuous, content-driven conversations that result in buying decisions in your … [Read more...]